Monday, December 26, 2011

global economic crices

note plural of crisis, Alister  Palmer who launched ESM in Tasmania is heavily involved in the Transition movement in England and sent links in a recent e-mail which have some positive pathways towards a new paradigm which is sustainable. The Great Transition work and Steve Keen are essential reading/listening. enjoy!! Here is an excerpt from Alister's letter...

The global financial situation is very grim and Europe is imploding which is already having a major impact on us – there are now over 1 million young people between 16 and 24 unemployed in the UK – stats published this week. 
Given that we are at the end of growth a whole new economic model is needed.   The New Economics Foundation here as done some good work on that – see and scroll to The Great Transition (free download).
I continue to enjoy Prof Steve Keen’s work – he is over this way at the moment – a great interview at
Carolyn Baker’s work Navigating the Coming Chaos which addressed the psychological aspects is very helpful – it’s a great companion to the transition movement work.   Her website is
The attached document On the Cusp of Collapse by David Korowicz is one of the best I’ve come across explaining the physics.

I wondered whether you know of Alan Hirsch’s work – if not have a look at his series of Forgotten Ways videos at