Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hall Hire Application Form

Parish of Channel / Cygnet

Application to hire a facility

The Parish normally requires a month’s notice to process and approve an application. However, in

special circumstances it may be possible to provide approval in a shorter time period.

Owner: The Trustees of the Diocese of Tasmania

Name of Applicant and/or organisation:………………………………………………………………………..

Contact person, if different from above:……………………………………………………………………….



Preferred telephone number:……………………………………………………………………………………..


Parish facility to be hired:…………………………………………………………………………………………..

Date, time, period of hire: ……………………………………………..…………………………………………..


Activity to be undertaken:…………………………………………………………………………………………..


Anticipate number of participants:……………………………………………………………………………..

Obligations of the hirer

1. To pay the hire charge in the manner and time agreed.

2. To leave the facility in a satisfactory and clean condition.

3. To return any furnishings that may be moved to their original position.

4. To remove all rubbish.

5. Not remove anything that is owned by the Parish.

6. To do no damage to the facility, its furniture and furnishings, accessories and environs:

and to report to the Parish any loss or damage to property and to pay for its repair or


7. Not to permit smoking within the facility or within 3 meters of any entrance.


8. To switch off all lights and electrical equipment before vacating the facility.

9. To secure all windows and doors on vacating the facility.

10. To return all keys to the Parish at the agreed time.

11. To abide by fire and emergency protocols.

12. To abide by the insurance requirements.

13. To create no nuisance either by way or noise or otherwise so as to inconvenience adjoining

owners or occupiers.

14. Not to carry out any illegal activities within or on Parish property.

15. The Church reserves the right as landholder to terminate the lease at any time with refund

of pre paid hire if applicable.

In signing this application the Hirer agrees to abide by the Obligations listed on the application form.

Signature ………………………………………………………

Date …………………………………………………………………..

Hire charges (as at September 2013)

Casual hirers - $70 per day or $15 per hour to a maximum of $70.

Minimum charge of $30.

Plus Bond of $75 to be returned if facility left clean and all rubbish removed.

Regular users - By negotiation and subject to review each twelve months.

To be completed by the Parish nominee

Hire fee:

Method of payment:


Acknowledgement and Indemnity by the Hirer – to be signed when the facility is made available.

The Hirer acknowledges that at the date of commencement of the hire the facility is in such a

condition as to render it completely suitable for the intended purpose.

The Hirer indemnifies the Owner and the wardens and parish councillors of the Parish from and

against all actions, suits, claims and demands of whatsoever nature arising out of or in any way

touching or concerning the hiring of the facility.

Signed on behalf of the Owner ……………………………………………………………………………(Parish nominee)

Signed on behalf of the Hirer ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Date ………………………………………………………….a

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Church Hall hire form and security protocol

Please print out the forms, complete and e-mail to middletonjohn14@gmail.com or post to Anglican Parish of Channel and Cygnet
P.O.Box 136, Cygnet Tas 7112

Insurance Requirements

Persons hiring or using facilities and other property of the Anglican Church accept responsibility for the safe custody of the property during the term of the hire or use. They are required to ensure that adequate insurance cover is available and to indemnify the Diocese for any liability arising from the hire and use of the buildings and/or property.
The preference is for the Hirer, at their expense, to effect and keep in force public liability insurance cover with a Insurer acceptable to the Owner for an amount of not less than $ 5 million, which shall include the following.
                    i. Liability for loss of or damage to the property of the Owner.
                   ii. Indemnity for claims made against the Owner arising out of negligence of the Hirer.
Evidence of appropriate insurance cover should be provided to the parish representative at the time the booking is made.  
Occasional hirers may be able to take advantage of a scheme for the Diocese to provide insurance for a cost of $25 per day, with an excess of $250 for property damage.

Hirer’s are required to read and sign the following:
I/we confirm that I/we have read and fully understand and accept my/our responsibilities, as summarised above, in entering into this hiring agreement.
I/we have arranged my/our insurances to cover the liabilities listed above and to indemnify the Diocese and enclose evidence of this arrangement.
I/we request that the Diocese arrange insurance to cover these liabilities to $5 million and I/we agree to pay the premium calculated at $25/day. I/we accept that this insurance is subject to payment by me/us of the first $250 for property damage.

Parish – Channel / Cygnet
Date of Hire ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name of Hirer (please print)…………………………………………………………………………………….
Signed by the Hirer……………………………………………………………………………..

Fire and Security Provisions
Hirers shall appoint a competent person as Chief Warden from the group that is using the facility. This person is in turn responsible for appointing Wardens before the activity commences. The number of Wardens appointed will depend on the number of people in attendance at each event and their individual or group needs.
Name of the Group renting Chanel / Cygnet facilities:
Chief Warden……………………………………………………………………………..
In the event of a fire or other emergency the Chief Fire Warden will;
·         Investigate the source of the fire or situation and determine appropriate action;
·         Alert others in the area by raising the alarm;
·         Contact the Fire Brigade on OOO;
·         Commence evacuation through the designated emergency exits;
·         Delegate for the Wardens to check all areas to ensure everyone has evacuated;
·         Ensure the complete evacuation of the Building;
·         Attempt to confine the fire and smoke by closing doors and windows;
·          Where relevant  and if it is  safe to do so attempt to extinguish the fire with portable fire fighting equipment but only if there is someone present who is properly trained to do so.
·         Liaise with Fire Brigade on arrival regarding the situation
Roles and Responsibilities of Wardens
·         Commence evacuation of their area if required or on notification from the Chief Warden
·         Assist persons to leave via the nearest safe exit
·         Search all areas and rooms to ensure everyone has evacuated
·         Assist people with disabilities
·         Control entry to the building
·         Direct people to the nominated assembly area/s
·         Report to the Chief Warden on the completion of required activities